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12th Street 12th Street: Boulevard and Park
Downtown Park Edge-19th Downtown Park Edge-Harrison
Grand Avenue Promenade Lakeshore Edge: Grand Lake Green Link and Eastlake Park
Lakeshore Edge: Lakeshore Avenue and E. 18th Street Lakeside Park: Concept Diagram
Lakeside Park: Maximum Lakeside Park: Minimum


Downtown Park Edge


Alternatives for the Western edge of the lake capitalize on the energy of downtown while improving the green park space for all users. Several specific ideas are proposed:

Downtown Street Terminus
"Nodes" or points of interest occur at the end of downtown streets in order to enhance the connection to downtown. These points may be designed as small plazas for noontime lunches or paths that connect directly to the lake edge.

Connect Perimeter Parks
Redesigning the intersection of Harrison and 20th enlarges Snow Park and the lake park border. Pedestrian connections from downtown are simplified and street crossings are made safer. Two alternatives are shown.