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Urban Context, Access, and Design

To provide safe transit, bicycle and pedestrian access to Lake Merritt

    • Provide safe street crossings for all pedestrian (especially kids and seniors) accessing the park.
    • Transit access and connections to Lake Merritt should be located to provide direct access to the park.
    • Lake Merritt perimeter roadways should have a Class II bike lane for commuter, and recreational use.
    • Where no on street lane is possible, a Class I bike lane should be provided within the park.

To provide safe bicycle and pedestrian access within Lake Merritt and to perimeter parks

    • Safe connections to Channel Park and Oakland Estuary (Bay Trail) should be established.
    • Way-finding signage or markers should be located along park pathways.
    • Pathways should be provided to allow for walking, jogging, recreational biking, and dog walking at the park perimeter.
    • Roadway design should prioritize pedestrian access to perimeter parks from Lake Merritt.

To reduce the visual impact of parking at Lake Merritt, while maintaining the existing number of parking spaces

    • Parking on perimeter roadways should be maintained where it does not obstruct pedestrian street crossings, critical views, bike lane access, transit stops, or public safety.
    • Street trees, bulb outs, planter strips at the curb, should be utilized to soften the presence of cars.
    • Public parking within Lakeside Park shall located in concentrated sections. (the plan will determine the suitability of a lot or linear layout)
    • A maximum of 10 diagonal spaces should be allowed without a break for planting.
    • Parking should be pulled back from the waters edge where possible.
    • General employee parking should be accommodated in public parking areas with fee reductions, permits, etc. as coordinated by the entity management.
    • Accessible parking spaces should be located in public parking areas to provide the shortest distance to the special event destination such as Fairyland, the Bowling Club, the Garden Center, the Sailboat House, the Arts & Science Center, the Rotary Nature Center, and 1520 Lakeside (Boathouse).

To provide structures, paving, and planting, that supports a unified design theme for Lake Merritt.

    • To reflect unique craft and artistry in designed elements
    • Bring out the intrinsic character of the park in the design.
    • Reflect the cultural context of the neighborhoods’ in the park’s design.

To incorporate a educational themes such as ecology (habitat, wildlife, plant life), history (landform, city, neighborhood), and culture.

To provide public amenities that are safe, convenient, and appropriate to Lake Merritt.

    • To provide clean, lighted, ventilated, and maintainable restrooms in convenient locations around the lake.
    • To provide food and beverage facilities in key locations.
    • To provide drinking fountains at appropriate intervals around the lake perimeter and with Lakeside Park.

To provide better access to parking facilities around the lake.

To preserve key views and vistas around the park

    • Sunlight access should be preserved within all areas of the park.
    • New tree plantings should be coordinated with public views and vistas.
    • Maintain and complete the necklace of lights as a major nighttime symbol of Lake Merritt.

To provide a safe environment for the public and wildlife.

    • Improve security in the park as relates to vandalism, wildlife, vegetation, lighting, activity levels and defensible space design.
    • Establish a permanent ranger and station facility in Lakeside Park

Ecology and Environmental Health

To enhance the lake’s water quality through changes to land use, park management, and education

    • Future uses at Lake Merritt should not negatively impact water quality
    • Litter and refuse generation should be reduced through design, education, and management
    • The storm drain filter system should be tested and expanded

To enhance wildlife habitat at Lake Merritt

    • A healthy carrying capacity should be identified for bird and animal species
    • Human contact with park wildlife should be managed for the health of the wildlife
    • Plantings should be encouraged that provide forage and cover.
    • Park zones should be managed for appropriate emphasis on wildlife
    • The public should be educated on appropriate human activities in natural park zones.
    • Shoreline conditions should provide improved habitat for fisheries, shorebirds, and fledgling land access.
    • Freshwater supply and food should be managed to avoid domestication of wild animals

Recreation and Park Programming

To provide safe recreational bicycle and pedestrian access to Lake Merritt

    • Provide safe street crossings for all pedestrian (especially kids and seniors) accessing the park.
    • Lake Merritt perimeter roadways should have a Class II bike lane for commuter, and recreational use.
    • Where no on street lane is possible, a Class I bike lane should be provided within the park.

To provide safe bicycle and pedestrian access within Lake Merritt and to perimeter parks

    • Safe, continuous pathway connection to Channel Park and Oakland Estuary (Bay Trail) should be established (see circulation).
    • Pathways should be provided to allow for walking, jogging, recreational biking, and dog walking at the park perimeter (see circulation).
    • Roadway design should prioritize pedestrian access to perimeter parks from Lake Merritt (see circulation).
    • Paths width should accommodate designated uses.
    • Impact reducing surfaces such as decomposed granite should be provided for jogging the lake circumference.

To encourage passive, recreational commercial use of the lake water surface by approved concessions

    • Existing concessions such as Gondolas, and sailboat/paddle boat/kayak rental should be encouraged.
    • Water taxis, history/ecology tours and other concessions should be encouraged.
    • All water concessions should be closely reviewed to conformance with goals.

To enhance existing land and water recreational activities for children, youth, adults, and seniors

To encourage selected new recreational uses

To avoid concentrations of activity/programs that negatively impacts park maintenance, use, aesthetic quality, and ecological health.

To provide flexible facilities for measured special events within the Lake Merritt area

To provide safe and ecologically balanced opportunities for managed fishing activities

    • Select piers and shoreline locations should be managed for recreational fishing by youth.

To provide facilities for dogs and owners in keeping with City of Oakland use policy.

    • On leash dog access at park perimeter should be provided.
    • Dog and wildlife, and dog and human conflicts should be documented for periodic policy review to effectively evaluate use.

To preserve the amount of open space in the park (acreage)

Maintenance and Technical Aspects

To mandate that maintenance staff resources will equal designed demand for service

  • To dedicate funding for park maintenance in perpetuity

To manage all areas and aspects of Lake Merritt including manicured, natural and habitat for aesthetic, safety, and natural health concern

  • To design all park features to minimize vandalism, wear and resulting maintenance requirements
  • To adhere to insecticide ban and provide additional required maintenance

Funding of Operations and Park Management

To establish a single entity or person as coordinator and overseer of Lake Merritt ,maintenance, improvements, and management

  • Act as liaison between city and park program entity such as garden club, recreation, institute, education center, community interest group, volunteer club, etc.
  • Review leases upon renewal for compatibility with mission of Lake Merritt

To establish a Lake Merritt District

  • Planning Overlay
  • Special Design Review

To establish a funding source for Lake Merritt improvements and long term maintenance

To seek grant and special funding for specific improvements to Lake Merritt

To organize volunteering as a major resource to Lake Merritt maintenance, education, operation, and funding.

Provide a better management system for parking in Lakeside Park.


To enhance Lake Merritt as a positive, marketable element of the City of Oakland

To maintain historical significance of landmark elements

To create a Lake Merritt District

To enhance existing and as possible define new uses of national/international significance

To enhance Lake Merritt as a source of civic pride